About bans and restrictions at the border of Estonia and Russia
We are often asked about prohibitions and restrictions on the transportation of personal items and money when crossing the border between Estonia and Russia. We remind you that these restrictions do not apply to personal belongings of passengers. Upon entry into Estonia or Russia, personal items, be it personal electronics or personal jewelry, are not confiscated from passengers.
A similar approach is to ban the export of cash euros and other currencies of EU countries to Russia. The Estonian Customs Department officially reports that the export of banknotes of EU countries is permitted for the personal use of the passenger and his close relatives traveling with him during the trip (but does not indicate specific amounts).
According to the experience of our passengers, having cash for personal use based on the amount of €65 per day of stay in the Russian Federation does not raise questions among customs officers. If larger amounts are found, cash is not withdrawn, but is deposited through an ATM into card accounts or exchanged for rubles or dollars.